Code something that matters

Student Application Development Platform

Secure & Reliable

Based on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

API for NUS Data

Access NUS data securely and easily.

User Friendly Catalogue

Access integrated solution for services (Server, storage, database etc) easily

Student Application Development Platform

Secure & Safe
Fast turnarounds
Stable & scalable
  • Secured platform that is made available for students to develop and host their applications.
  • Students will be able to access specific NUS data via API easily and securely for their applications.
  • Useful applications may be made available for use Campus-wide.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who owns the codes?

Students own the codes. However, NUS has the right to publish the applications campus-wide.

Is there a software depository for me to upload the codes?

You are to use Github for your codes.

What coding language do I need to use?

You may use any language that you are proficient in.

Do I need to comply with any restrictions?

The application you develop must be used by NUS students.

Do I need to ensure that my codes are vulnerability free?

Yes, to encourage good coding practice, you will need to have your code scanned and fixed for vulnerability.

Will I be given administrative or root access?

Yes, you will be able to use it for installing additional tools for your development work.

Is the platform really free for me?

Yes, the cost is on us.


RC Dining Bot

The RC Dining Bot is a Telegram bot that allows RC residents (both UTown and RVRC) to check what's for breakfast or dinner on any day. The information is pulled from the UHS website and converted into a more easily accessible format for the RC residents.

Telegram user name: @rc_dining_bot


KIWI is a website that serves as King Edward VII Hall (KEVII) internal platform. KIWI is created to provide a centralised information platform hall residents. We provide the latest announcements, upcoming events, feedback portal, venue booking system, menu of the day and KEIPS (KEVII Internal Point System). We hope to implement CCA system into our website in near future too.


KR Meal Bot is a Telegram chatbot developed by an ex-Kent Ridge Hall Resident. KR Meal Bot provides residents of the hall with a convenient way to figure out what is being served by the Dining Hall in advance through an interactive Telegram chatbot. Beyond checking the menu, KR Meal Bot also has a “feedback” function which allows residents to send in their feedback on various meals or issues directly via the Telegram chatbot. The messages are directed to an administrator’s email inbox.

DrFAQ Chatbot

Question Answering NLP Chatbot for Text Document Corpora, built using spaCy, huggingface’s BERT language model, ElasticSearch and Telegram Bot API. Given an organisation's corpus of documents, generate a chatbot to enable natural question-answering capabilities.

Lets get in touch. Send us a message.